National “Airport Pavement Design & Construction Workshop” to be Held August 28-30 in San Diego, CA, USA

The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) will present a three-day national “Airport Pavement Design & Construction Workshop” on best practices used in the design, construction, and rehabilitation of concrete pavements used for airport applications. The Workshop will be held August 28-30, 2018 in San Diego, California, USA, at the Marriott San Diego Mission Valley-San Diego. The workshop is intended for owners’ representatives/engineers, contractor personnel, and others with an interest in concrete pavement design, construction, and rehabilitation for airport applications, ACPA Members, and others in the industry and should register by July 28, 2018 for hotel block.

SCHEDULE (please see the AGENDA for all times):
Day 1:
7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PDT)
Day 2:
7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PDT)
Day 3:
7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PDT)

The AGENDA will feature technical presentations by experts with practical experience in the topic areas including those from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s Transportation System Center; the Headquarters office of the FAA, ACPA, and companies with direct involvement in FAA and USACE projects. Individuals include: Gary Mitchell-Vice President of Airports and Pavement Technology-ACPA; Alberto Cruz-FAA-Western‐Pacific Region; Dr. Craig Rutland-Pavement Subject Mater Expert-Air Force Civil Engineering Center; Angela Folkestad-CO/WY Chapter ACPA; Harold Honey-Michael Baker; Doug Johnson-FAA; Toy Poole-CTL Group; Martin Holt-IHC; Sabrina Garber-The Transtec Group; Cpt. Jason Hernandez-Air Force Institute of Technology; Ron Guntert-Guntert & Zimmerman; Mathew Morrison-GOMACO; Michael Gerardi-APR Consultants;  Donna Speidel-Sightline, Inc.; Gene Gutierrez-USACE Transportation System Center; and Jim Lafrenz-Tigerbrain Engineering.

They will be leading the discussions on TOPICS:
FAA—Central Region Issues; US Dept of Defense’s Air Force Agency; Concrete Paving Fundamentals; Department of Defense Guidance; FAA Guidance on Pavement Design and Construction; Pre‐Construction Activities; FAA Specifications for Subbase, Base, and Stabilized Base Construction; PM Mix Design Constituents and Processes to Meet the Corp of Engineers Requirements; Concrete Mixture Optimization for Concrete Pavements; Plant Certification, Plant Management, and Uniformity Testing; PM testing Requirements for Airfield Pavements—What Do They Really Tell Us?; Construction Techniques; Contractor QC/Quality Assurance Requirements for Quality Concrete Pavements; Using HIPERPAV High-Performance Concrete Paving Software to Monitor Uncontrolled Cracking Risk; Using HIPERPAV High Performance Concrete Paving Software to Monitor Uncontrolled Cracking Risk; Concrete Paver Set‐Up and Operation; Stringless Control Systems; Airfield Pavement Smoothness; Airfield Pavement Marking; P‐501 FAA Concrete Pavement Specification; Planning for Hot or Cold Weather Paving; Unified Facilities Criteria; and Lessons Learned from When Things Go Wrong.

For a PDF of the 3-DAY AGENDA including breaks and lunches, please go to:

For HOTEL RESERVATIONS through July 28, 2018 or until sold out, please go to the hotel weblink on the Workshop website, or go to:
PHONE HOTEL RESERVATIONS: *Be sure to ask for the ACPA room block:

For the ACPA Airport Workshop WEBSITE, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Gary Mitchell, P.E., VP Airport Pavements and Technology
Organizer of Airport Pavement Design & Construction Workshop
American Concrete Pavement Association

PDH Credits:
Participants may earn up to 20 professional development hours for this training and technology transfer event. ACPA awards professional development hours with the assumption of their use in self-reporting states and provinces. Reporting is done on an honor basis, and participants are responsible for maintaining their own records and for determining the applicability and acceptance with their respective licensing/certification organization.

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