Organization Pushes for Ordinance Requiring Use of Permeable Pavements for Urban Sustainability

The Interface Development Interventions (IDIS), an environmental non-government organization (NGO) in Davao City, Philippines continues to push for an ordinance requiring both public and private establishments to use permeable pavements as part of urban sustainable initiatives.

During the “Connect Science, Health and Wellness Press Conference” held May 11, 2018, Lemuel Manalo, Environmental Research Specialist-IDIS said they were advocating and promoting the permeable pavement designs because they believe that this design would absorb flood waters as well as filter and trap pollutants.

The permeable pavement concept is a research project of IDIS that has been presented in different proposals including in the cities of Davao and Malaysia. The project was tested in 20 establishments in Davao City, where 5 establishments were selected as case studies based on the willingness of the owners—Anisabel Suites; Ateneo de Davao University Botanical Garden; Davao Light Power and Co. Admin Office; Rekado Filipino Comfort Cuisine; and Toyota Davao Catitipan Workshop Stockyard. Out of the 5 establishments, there were no reported major flood cases and permeable pavements were found to help manage water runoffs.

Manalo said, ”Many of the establishments here in Davao are using the project already and we continue to maximize this through the use of media to advocate the product and promote the design… since there are a lot of benefits like mitigation of floods, decrease on eye sore [aesthetically pleasing], and decreasing the urban island heat effect.”

The study aims to attract young architects since they are pursuing permeable pavement technology and introducing it to establishments, and because of their openness for new developmental ideas, said Manalo. “Our largest efforts to attract young architects for this technology started with last year’s mainstreaming, posted articles, and we also provided data for this project on the internet,” he added.

The permeable pavements that are commercially available are Permeable Concrete (PC), Concrete grid Pavers (CGP), Pervious Pavers (PP), Single-sized Aggregate (SA), and Concrete Pavement Cutouts (CC). The project is not just limited to its aesthetic benefits, but can also be beneficial economically like eliminating costs for retention basins, curbs, gutters, and other water collection installations. It is also believed to lower installation costs for piping and drainage systems, and to lower the life-cycle cost for its expectancy equal to the regular concrete.

Meanwhile, depending on the type, quality, and layering system, prices of pavements range from P180 (180 Piso=$3.45US ) to P200 ($3.83US) for each turf to P300 ($5.74US) to P1500 ($28.71US) per square inclusive of turf, base compaction, and grass supply.  Attorney Mark Peñalver, Policy Advocacy Specialist-IDIS, said there are no ordinances and policies in place yet concerning the permeable pavement, but there are responsive city councilors open to sponsor the proposed policy such as Mabel Acosta, City Councilor. (Kent Warren H. Fugoso, Father Saturnine Utios University-Philippines, FSUU Intern)

To read the Sunstar DAVAO Online News article titled “Group pushes use of permeable pavements”, please go to:

Cover Photo: Google Maps,
artistic rendering by Amy M. Dean, ISCP

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