The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) 2018 Pavement Conference will be held May 23 and 24, 2018
in Monticello AND in St. Paul, Minnesota
Open this link below to SAVE THESE DATES on your Outlook calendar:
MAY 23:
The first day of the NRRA 2018 Pavement Conference will be hosted by the Monticello Community Center and Minnesota ROAD (MnROAD) at the Monticello Community Center in Monticello, Minnesota, USA.
- Workshop sessions
- Tour of the 2017 construction/research projects at MnROAD
- BBQ Picnic Dinner at MnROAD
MAY 24:
The second day of the 2018 Conference will be hosted by and held at the Continuing Education and Conference Center, Building Abbreviation: CECC—University of Minnesota (UMN), St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
- Keynote speeches
- Awards
- Networking Lunch
- Four research tracks for concurrent sessions: Flexible, Rigid, Geotech and Preventive Maintenance

This two-day conference objective is to continue the tradition of presenting sessions about current practices that implement new pavement research and technology. It will provide practical information to practitioners and others interested in pavement design, construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance. The conference examines national and local trends and innovations to expand understanding of pavement challenges and solutions.
Sessions focus on current practices that implement new pavement research and technology. Specifically, presentations will emphasize new materials and methods that can assist decision makers in providing the most cost-effective strategies for building, repairing, and maintaining pavement infrastructure.
For the AGENDAs and all details on the NRRA 2018 Conference website, please go to:
Updates will also appear on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
For the Monticello Community Center website, please go to: http://www.monticellocommunitycenter.com
For the Continuing Education and Conference Center, please go to: http://campusmaps.umn.edu/continuing-education-and-conference-center-university-minnesota
To help tailor the conference to your needs, and if you have essential topics NRRA 2018 should cover, please forward to:
Ben Worel, MnROAD Research Engineer
E-mail: ben.worel@state.mn.us
For questions and suggestions for workshop content, please contact:
Robert Filipczak, Marketing-State Program Admin Principal
E-mail: robert.filipczak@state.mn.us
The International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP) has announced that the location of the
12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP)
will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA in the summer or fall of 2020