The FHWA Mobile Concrete Trailer (MCT) Program has issued a new publication in its series of “One Pagers” based on the MCT experiences and observations.

The newest document, “Measuring Pavement Thickness the Efficient Way” discusses the use of pulse induction technology (namely the MIT Scan T2 device) to measure pavement thickness in a nondestructive manner.
MCT data from 14 states were used to illustrate the accuracy of this technology, which also offers cost savings and safety benefits when compared to traditional methods. This document and others in the bulletin series can be accessed by going to: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/concrete/trailer/resources/onepage.cfm
Additional One-Pagers—Observations from the FHWA Mobile Concrete Trailer:
Improving Concrete through Optimizing Aggregate Gradation (.pdf)
Improving Concrete through Reduced Cement Factors (.pdf)
Concrete Strength Testing Practices for Acceptance (.pdf)
For the FHWA Mobile Concrete Trailer (MCT) Program, please go to: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/Pavement/concrete/trailer/index.cfm