The National Concrete Pavement Technology (CP Tech) Center at Iowa State University is submitting the report “Technology Transfer, Delivery, & Implementation of Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements” as part of a task order for technology transfer, delivery, and implementation of best practices for jointed concrete pavements.

A continuing challenge to the concrete paving industry is the ever-present need to implement new technologies as they are proven, coupled with the need to educate new employees throughout the industry about best practices. The object of this task order was to help meet this need by conducting technology transfer, delivery, and implementation of best practices for jointed concrete pavements.
Activities were focused on four specific topics:
• Material-Related Distress
• Blended Aggregates for Concrete Mixture Optimization
• Concrete Paving Mixtures with One or More Supplementary Cementitious Materials
• Innovative Materials and Methods for Accelerated Construction and Maintenance of Concrete Pavements
The tasks conducted included developing six technical briefs, developing and presenting ninety- minute webinar presentations for each topic, and developing and presenting workshops that addressed each topic.
Implementation of current understanding, analytical tools, and new test methods must be accelerated if the construction industry is to continue to meet the infrastructure needs of the community at large in an environment of shrinking budgets. A continuing challenge to the concrete paving industry is the ever present need to implement new technologies as they are proven, coupled with the need to educate new employees throughout the industry about best practices.
The object of this task order was to help meet this need by conducting technology transfer, delivery, and implementation of best practices for jointed concrete pavements. This report summarizes the activities, products developed, and accomplishments.
Activities such as those conducted under this task order are invaluable in ensuring that long lasting and sustainable pavement systems can be reliably specified, constructed, and maintained.
Six Technical Briefs Developed and Published Pertaining to This Report:
Six Best Practices tech-briefs were developed and published. They are available on the FHWA website and as linked documents (pdfs) from the CP Tech Center websites. All of the tech briefs were distributed to participants of the relevant webinars and at the workshops discussed in the report.
• Materials-Related Distress: Aggregates:
Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements
FHWA-HIF-15-013, May 2015, 6 pages:
• Materials-Related Distress: Hardened Cement Paste:
Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements
FHWA-HIF-15-018, June 2015, 6 pages:
• Blended Aggregates for Concrete Mixture Optimization:
Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements
FHWA-HIF-15-019, July 2015, 4 pages:
• Supplementary Cementitious Materials
Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements
FHWA-HIF-16-001, February 2016, 7 Pages:
• Effective Quality Assurance for Concrete Paving Operations:
Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements
FHWA-HIF-16-002, April 2016, 6 pages:
• Dowel Basket Anchoring Methods:
Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements
FHWA-HIF-16-021, May 2016, 6 pages:
This document serves as a summary report that discusses and includes the following:
• The tasks undertaken (above)
• Electronic and printed copies of the products developed and presented (Appendix A)
• Agendas, slideshows, participant lists, and feedback and ratings from the webinars and workshops (Appendices)
• Review of the benefits of the tasks
To download the PDF of the entire Tech Brief, “Technology Transfer, Delivery, & Implementation of Best Practices for Jointed Concrete Pavements”, please click on the image above right, or go to: