The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) presented the 2017 Hartmann-Hirschman-Egan (HHE) Award to Michael I. Darter, Ph.D., P.E., Principal Engineer–Applied Research Associates, Inc. and Professor Emeritus-University of Illinois. The HHE Award is ACPA’s highest order distinguished service award. The award recognized Darter for his innovation, leadership, teaching, and mentoring in the field of civil engineering, as well as for his advancement of technology that has resulted in countless numbers of high-quality concrete pavements. Darter’s 40-plus years of consulting, research and teaching have resulted in a legacy of exceptional pavement engineers and in engineering tools used in all facets of concrete pavement design; evaluation and forensic analyses; performance prediction modeling; performance-related specifications; life-cycle cost analysis; and rehabilitation procedures.
“As an authority on design, construction, rehabilitation, and management of concrete pavements worldwide, your contributions have been innumerable, far-reaching, and enduring,” said Gerald F. Voigt, ACPA President and CEO. Voigt, along with many others in the concrete pavement industry, have been students, colleagues, or mentees of Dr. Darter.

“Among the most noteworthy is your achievement as principal developer of the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, the most comprehensive tool for concrete pavements in history,” Voigt said. He added, “Your contributions continue to make profound, positive differences in the quality and longevity of pavements. Equally important, your unique style of teaching has not just transferred knowledge, but also inspired many engineers to follow the pathways you created.”
At the presentation ceremony, Voigt was joined by Mark B. Snyder, Ph.D., P.E., President-Pavement Engineering and Research Consultants, Inc., in paying tribute to Dr. Darter. The ceremony also included visuals of quotes from a wide-range of industry and public-sector officials, all of whom represent just a small number of the many professionals who have been students of, worked with, or were otherwise inspired by Dr. Darter.
In addition to his distinguished service to the concrete pavement industry, Dr. Darter is also the author of “Gone with the Wind, He Said: The Cold Case Search for My MIA Brother” and “Fateful Flight of the Lonesome Polecat II”.
About the Hartmann-Hirschman-Egan Award: The award is one of the most coveted awards presented by the American Concrete Pavement Association. The award recognizes individuals and companies, as well as other organizations, for unparalleled commitment, dedication, participation, and leadership in the concrete pavement community.
First presented in 1968, the award was originally named in honor of Harold W. Hartmann, who served as the Association’s Secretary-Treasurer from 1964 until 1974. In 1987, Robert E. Hirschman’s name was added in recognition of his term as the Association’s Chairman (then President) in 1967, as well as his tenure as Secretary-Treasurer from 1975 to 1987. In 2007, the name of Edward A. Egan was added in recognition of his steadfast leadership and dedication to the Association and the industry it serves. Among the stations he occupied was the ACPA’s chairman in 1986, as well as Secretary-Treasurer—from 1988 to 2007, making him the longest-serving person in that capacity in the Association’s history.
These individuals demonstrated leadership and tireless dedication to the concrete pavement industry, which helped shape the ACPA and the industry it serves. The award is presented to individuals or groups that demonstrate the same level of dedication as Hartmann, Hirschman, and Egan.
For the PHOTOS from the Hartmann-Hirschman-Egan Award ceremony, please go to: https://acpaorg-my.sharepoint.com/personal/bdavenport_acpa_org/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?folderid=14fe310a06a2e49fa82cc9abad5dac449&authkey=AciVfrH13-NcUNM1w_Ki6tE&e=0dbacb3075db4fc28a6547e1124bd1e6
To read Dr. Darter’s ISCP Honorary Member Profile, please go to: https://www.concretepavements.org/team/dr-michael-darter/
Home Page Photo: Michael I. Darter, Ph.D., P.E., presents remarks
after being presented with ACPA’s 2017
Hartmann-Hirschman-Egan Award. (Photo: ACPA)