CAC Hosting Cross-Canada Seminar Series Highlighting the New ACI 330.2R-17 Guideline

The Cement Association of Canada (CAC) is hosting a cross-Canada seminar series on “Concrete Pavement for Industrial and Trucking Facilities” – highlighting the newly published ACI 330.2R-17 guideline.

The first workshop—the first for the new 330.2R-17 document—took place on May 25, 2017 in Toronto, Canada with 70 people in attendance.

The next workshops in Canada are planned for:

  • June 27 in Vancouver
  • September 19 in Halifax, and
  • November 9 in Montreal

The CAC target audience for these workshops is: Owners, developers, consultants, contractors and concrete industry. CAC is hosting these in partnership with the local ready-mix concrete association, the ACI chapter in each province, and the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA). These workshops are also sponsored nationally by BASF, Euclid, Forta, Multiquip, PNA, Somero, as well as local sponsors in each location. The main focus of these workshops is the recently published ACI 330.2R-17 document (Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Site Paving for Industrial and Trucking Facilities).

Learning Objectives:

  • Optimized Designs for Industrial Concrete Pavements – using ACI 330.2R-17, StreetPave & OptiPave
  • Geotechnical Considerations for Industrial Concrete Pavements, including strategies for freeze/thaw climates
  • Mixture Proportioning to ensure a strong, durable pavement, including strategies for freeze/thaw climates
  • Mixture Proportioning using fibres and new design methodologies, to optimize pavement thickness and minimize curling
  • Construction Methods and Details, including different types of equipment that can be used to pave these facilities

For additional information for the upcoming Vancouver workshop, please go to:

To read the May 2017 ISCP article on this document and obtain the document, please go to:

A “.pdf copy” of the guide is available for all ACI members on the Committee 330 web page. Please follow the instructions below carefully to download a copy:

  • Sign in to the ACI web site at
  • Click on “My ACI” in the upper right corner.
  • Click on “My Downloads” to see the published documents.
  • Under “My Downloads” will be your license key. You will be prompted for your License Key Code when accessing a document.
  • You will see 330.1R-17 listed.
  • Click on the document to download a copy. (Be sure you are using Adobe Reader to view the document.)

ACI Member Price: $29.00 USD     |     Non-Member $49.50 USD
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Student Membership is FREE. Young Professional Price is reduced as well.

The .pdf is for Committee 330 use only and should not be distributed.

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