CP Road Map E-News: The National Concrete Consortium (NCC) E-News is a bi-monthly newsletter based on the Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology (CP Road Map)—a national research plan developed and jointly implemented by the concrete pavement stakeholders community. To read the CP Road Map E-News May 2016 topics, and all of the compete articles below, please click on the image to the left, click on the links in each paragraph below, or click here: http://www.cproadmap.org/publications/e-news_May2016.cfm.
New Moving Advancements into Practice (MAP) Briefs describe best practices and promising research that can be used now to enhance concrete paving. The May 2016 MAP Brief titled “Performance of Thin Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement under Accelerated Loading” summarizes a recent research program to test thin (4-in. to 8-in.) roller compacted concrete (RCC) pavements. The results show that a thin RCC pavement over a soil cement structure can still have high load-carrying capability. To read and download the PDF of the May 2016 MAP Brief, please click on the image to the right, or click here: http://www.cproadmap.org/publications/MAPbriefMay2016-new.pdf.
NCC State Survey Summaries: Member states of the National Concrete Consortium (NCC) have the ability to poll other member states regarding specifications, materials, construction, research, or other issues related to concrete paving. This section highlights some of the questions posed and answers received through the NCC’s ListServ feature.
Discharge Time Limits for Non-Agitating Trucks: The Illinois DOT polled the NCC group regarding time limits between mixing and discharge for non-agitating trucks. Twenty states responded to the question….read more.
News from the Road: News from the Road highlights research around the country that is helping the concrete pavement community meet the research objectives outlined in the CP Road Map.
Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for New Highway Pavement: Currently, pavement designers have two primary options for concrete pavements: continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) and jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCP). Both have their strengths and weaknesses. CRCPs provide superior ride quality and longevity while JPCPs provide greater economy through reduced material and labor costs. The concept of a continuously fiber-reinforced concrete pavement (CFRCP) seeks to take advantage of the superior qualities of a CRCP and the cost effectiveness of a JPCP while avoiding the limitations currently experienced with corrosion of steel reinforcement. This study evaluated the use of polypropylene fibrillated, polypropylene macro, carbon, and steel fibers as the primary reinforcement in concrete pavements. To read more about the results of the study….please click here. To access the full document (download the PDF), please go to: http://www.ltrc.lsu.edu/pdf/2016/FR_559.pdf.
Reducing Pavement Temperature with Glass Beads: It is generally accepted that high pavement temperature gradients increase the risk of curling and thermal cracking. Replacing a portion of the aggregate with materials having lower thermal conductivity and heat capacity should lead to reduced pavement temperature gradients. This project investigated the replacement of fine aggregate with various proportions of glass beads to determine the effect on temperature gradient and mechanical properties of the pavement. … read more. To access the full document (download the PDF), please go to: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40069-016-0130-2.
FHWA Tech Brief on Supplementary Cementitious Materials: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has issued a highly informative Tech Brief highlighting the types, availability, benefits, and proper use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). The brief describes the benefits of SCMs in concrete, including increased durability, lower cost, reduced carbon footprint, increased workability, and decreased shrinkage and permeability. This brief focuses primarily on the mainstream SCMs, such as coal fly ash, slag cement, and silica fume…read more. To access the full document (download the PDF), please go to: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/concrete/pubs/hif16001.pdf.
For the Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology (CP Road Map) please go to:http://www.cproadmap.org/.
To find out more about the CP Road Map, or to get involved, contact:
Steve Klocke, Program Manager, Snyder & Associates
E-mail: sklocke@snyder-associates.com | Phone: 515-964-2020
Dale Harrington, Program Manager, Snyder & Associates | E-mail: dharrington@snyder-associates.com
Sabrina Shields-Cook, Editor, CP Tech Center | E-mail: shieldsc@iastate.edu
Marcia Brink, Managing Editor, CP Tech Center | E-mail: mbrink@iastate.edu