The Concrete Pavement Website:“ViasConcretas Pavimentação Sustentabilidade” (Concrete Paving: Sustainable Roads) is a Concrete Routes Portal—a creation of the Brazilian Portland Cement Association (ABCP), through its Infrastructure area. Founded and maintained by the Brazilian cement industry since 1936—in order to take care of the production and application with quality Portland cement and by-building sub-systems and concrete pavement—the ABCP has become the main forum search and concrete pavement development in Brazil, following and promoting the use of this technology. The website offers a host of concrete pavement information including:
- Noticias: (News)
- Tecnologia e aplicações: (Technology and Applications)
- AGENDE-SE: (Schedule)
- Apoio a projetos e obras viárias com concreto: (Support projects and road works with concrete): O Portal Vias Concretas: Concrete Roads Portal:
- Atividades de campo e laboratório: (Field activities and laboratory)
- Equipamentos e suporte técnico para operação e manutenção das máquinas (Equipment and technical support for operation and maintenance of machines)
- Vídeos
- Boletín Técnico: (Technical Bulletin)
- Biblioteca: (Library)—Articles, Links, Technical Literature, Norms, and News
- and more

ARTICLE: “Pavimento Verde, Cada vez Mais Presente” (Green Floor, increasingly present). This article describes concrete pavement known as“Green Flooring” for its sustainability features, both in production and in the conservation of natural resources. To read the article, please click on this linked title.
ARTICLE: “Transferêcia de tecnologia e capacitação Profissional” (Transfer technology and training professional): Technology transfer and the training of professionals, through specific training in cement-based construction processes are part of the mission of the Associaçåo Brasileira de Cimento Portland (ABCP) (Brazilian Portland Cement Association), an institution that is a reference in basic technology of cement and concrete. Classes were held for engineers and workers, taught by experts from the ABCP Paving Group—on design, concrete technology, and execution of works. To read the article, please click on this linked title.
VIDEO: “Pavemento de Concreto Passo a passo” (Pavement Concrete Walkthrough): This video shows the execution of the step by step of concrete pavement. To view the video, please click on this linked title.
PUBLICATION: Os dez mandamentos do Pavimento de Concreto (R&V83) (The Ten Commandments of Concrete Pavement (R & V83)): This article was published in edition 83 of the Rodovias e Vias Magazine and was extracted from the Recommended Practice PR-5 by the ABCP. It describes the necessary and basic steps for successful paving and performance of concrete pavements. To read the article, please click on this linked title.
For the ViasConcretas website, please go to:
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